Warm Up your emails


Email warmup is the process of gradually increasing the number of emails you send over time in order to build a good reputation with email providers and avoid being marked as spam. It is an important step for any business that wants to use email marketing effectively.

Why is email warmup important?

Email providers have spam filters in place to protect their users from unwanted emails. These filters are designed to identify and block emails that are likely to be spam. When you first start sending emails, your email provider may not know who you are or what your reputation is. As a result, your emails may be more likely to be caught by spam filters.

Email warmup helps to build your reputation with email providers and reduce the chances of your emails being caught by spam filters. By gradually increasing the number of emails you send over time, you show email providers that you are a legitimate sender and that your emails are not spam.

How to warm up your email account

There are a few things you can do to warm up your email account:

  • Start by sending a small number of emails each day.
  • Gradually increase the number of emails you send over time.
  • Make sure your emails are well-written and relevant to your subscribers.
  • Avoid sending too many emails too quickly.
  • Use a tool like Warmy to help you warm up your email account.


Warmy is a tool that can help you warm up your email account quickly and easily. It uses a variety of techniques to improve your email deliverability, including:

  • Sending emails at a gradual pace
  • Segmenting your email list
  • Personalizing your emails
  • Tracking your email open rates and click-through rates

Warmy is a great way to improve your email deliverability and get your emails into the inbox of your subscribers.

Fun facts about email warmup

  • Did you know that the average person receives 121 emails per day?
  • Did you know that 75% of emails are opened within the first hour of being sent?
  • Did you know that 90% of emails are opened within the first 24 hours of being sent?

Cool tips for email warmup

  • Use a tool like Warmy to help you warm up your email account.
  • Segment your email list and send emails to smaller groups of subscribers at a time.
  • Personalize your emails to make them more relevant to your subscribers.
  • Track your email open rates and click-through rates to see how your warmup campaign is performing.

FAQs about email warmup

Q: How long does it take to warm up my email account?

A: The amount of time it takes to warm up your email account will vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of your email list and the quality of your emails. However, in general, it takes about 2-4 weeks to warm up your email account.

Q: What happens if I don’t warm up my email account?

A: If you don’t warm up your email account, your emails are more likely to be caught by spam filters. This means that your emails may not reach the inbox of your subscribers.

Q: What are the benefits of warming up my email account?

A: There are a number of benefits to warming up your email account, including:

  • Increased email deliverability
  • Reduced risk of being marked as spam
  • Improved reputation with email providers
  • Increased open rates and click-through rates

Examples of email warmup

Here are some examples of email warmup:

  • Sending a welcome email to new subscribers
  • Sending a birthday email to subscribers
  • Sending a thank-you email after a purchase
  • Sending a follow-up email after a webinar
  • Sending a seasonal email


Email warmup is an important step for any business that wants to use email marketing effectively. By following the tips in this article, you can improve your email deliverability and get your emails into the inbox of your subscribers.

By yusuf

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